Sunday, July 24, 2011

Under the roof

Giving feet a rest
I settled down on the chair
The dreary blaze and the silence
Chimes clasped in the roof
With an eccentric harmony

Everything lodged at spaces
Making air to swirl amongst 'em
To and fro on the chair
Agitating the thoughts
Running from past to future

Whorled staircase I see
Rising to a place higher
From where something would fall 
Or step down back to Me
Dazed in the silence

On the wall oblong mirror
Counterparts Me to Myself
Canvas with a green field
Absorbing the coveted psyche
Verve within to look inside

Timeline parallel to Nile 
Vague I see inside
Weed rising up 
Leaving down the ashes
Tapping tips on the side

It's high time to think
Heavy like Pharaoh
Were the eye-lids
Fading grey with time
The only Me

Friday, July 22, 2011

Away from the concrete

Lying under the canopy
There I see a flux of rays
Moving the fingers on pasture
And the day premiers with promise land

Cold sweat to wet your dreams
Stand up , rise 
Compass your hands to victory acre
It is never too late  

Allies were just a part of journey
Life's to be marched on one's own
I was never with traveling light
The path progressed vitally

Penumbra diminished to point in dark
But thoughts beefed up to roar
The other morning the same rays 
Presented me my only ally back

Piping in new friends by time
They chirped , they blossomed , they danced
You lay your eyes on 
What you think

Escaping through the woods
There is a fall of infinity
Close at hand to it lies the other end
The sky with purple heart 

To precede a new walk
It's time to stop again
Resting with eyes open 
Under wheel of fortune

This vale is seraphic world ....

Thursday, July 21, 2011

"The first knock at the door"

Every time a new journey is started or something that is planned is brought into action , one tries to adorn it with all possible elements available. I wish that I had a bag full of superlatives to thank technology for providing me this place . 
A place of my own , where everything I'll say will echo to me in a different way . One thing  that I question myself is "Why I wish beyond limits?" I would like to dedicate a separate day pondering upon this matter. For now , skipping it would help me to stick to the topic. After many suggestions , I tried my hands on this place and I should mention here that I have found a real good feel on the first sight and 'am already in love with the concept .
Though there was no one to give a warm welcome kind of thing but still this is what that makes the purpose of mine joining the place more fruitful for future . 'Am using the word 'place' frequently here for a well defined reason in my mind . I could have searched for synonyms but somehow this word gives the implication of a thing that belongs to an individual , yet shared by everyone. 
People come to the place , talk , enjoy and return back leaving behind threads of emotions to weave an introspected web. This , the very first post of mine was supposed to be a formal address to the readers but was a herculean task for me to accomplish. I beg apologies for introducing myself with some sort of self-expository essay or composition thing. Keeping myself attached to a particular theme of the day won't be an easy run here because "Mind is a traveler" ,roams here and there , so now I need to make a promise to all that I will try my best to give something that is affordable for others to read sacrificing few minutes of their precious time.
On the last note , I'd like to mention that there is only one impossible task for me and that is to confine the theme or thoughts in a word limit , More is merrier is certainly not going to work here . 
I have settled down perfectly here , all things at their place, comfortable and peaceful space, the coffee is ready on the table , the most awaited journey begins .....